I firmly believe that a person comes into this world with the positive program: to be healthy, happy and rich (in any way ...)! In the process of life for various reasons in the forefront of our vital system come other programs, so-called "viruses", which sometimes cause our “system failure" ... this explains a need for the antivirus software on the hard disk of our consciousness and sub-consciousness, and which would discover and eliminate the viruses in our bio-psycho- system and, as a result, our perception of reality and ourselves won’t be distorted.

Practicing Hatha yoga for over 23 years, I am sure - it is an ANTIVIRUS for all organs and systems of our body and our psychic, it is a tuner, to set up our creative vibrations, this is the matrix of our natural state ...

I teach yoga, I love life in all its manifestations, constantly improve my professional and personal qualities as a teacher and as an individual, learning from everybody who are around me...

As an educator with a classical teacher education, I see no prospect to make students learn as much as possible exercises, techniques or styles ... Just assist them in fall in love with yoga, through my personal example, experience and practice and healthy lifestyle... the rest will happen by itself, without effort. It is so important to LOVE WHAT WE DO and to DO WHAT WE LOVE!

The principles of the early morning stretch, physical, emotional and psychological comfort, subtle observation, being at the present moment with your sensations, feelings, and experiences are the necessary rules for my current classes!

Knowledge of fundamentals of biomechanics, physiology, human anatomy, psychology, as well, as pedagogy, is a precondition, without which it is simply unthinkable to teach Hatha yoga (plus theory and personal practice).

And something more ... - NO ESOTERICS ...

Currently I live and teach in Kiev.

Phone: +380-67-4308342